Ukrainian Institute of Education Development (UIED) is the public institution established according to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine #593 as of 17.07.2019. According to this resolution, UIED is a non-profit, independent organization in a field of governance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Our mission is to lay the foundations of contemporary and competitive education, both in terms of content and methodology; to develop projects of fundamental changes in the education in Ukraine; to provide methodological support of educational institutions on the implementation of the public policy in the field of education, in particular, the New Ukrainian School Concept.
Main tasks:
- development of the educational content based on the principles of person-oriented education, competence approache, and social justice;
- development of educational standards, curricula, their implementation, and providing methodological support to teachers and schools;
- development of professional standards and training programs for pedagogical staff, teaching materials, and methodological recommendations;
- providing educational and methodological support for teachers working in inclusive educational environment, preparing proposals for improving the content, forms and methods of education of children with special educational needs in special educational institutions and within inclusive educational environment, ensuring the acquisition of methods for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the development children with special educational needs in Inclusive Resource Centers;
- implementation of educational and methodological support of distance education, introduction of digital educational technologies;
- administration of specialized educational information and telecommunication systems by the decision of the Ministry of Education, creation and support of functioning electronic educational and information resources;
- organization (including electronic and audio) participation in activities to provide educational, educational institutions materials;
- provision of expertise (on behalf of the Ministry of Education, on agreements with legal entities and individuals) training facilities, including training and support the functioning of state and (for competitive selection of textbooks and educational and methodological publications);
- preparation of educational, teaching and methodological and other publications, including electronic ones;
- support of innovative educational projects, experiments at the national level on the basis of pre-school, general secondary, extracurricular, professional (vocational-technical) education, in postgraduate pedagogical education;
- organization of conferences, meetings, round tables, meetings, seminars, exhibitions, presentations of educational and methodical and scientific publications, including educational establishments, and other events.