

    Lets Learn without Borders!


    The project «Lets Learn without Borders» is the initiative of the Ukrainian Institute of Education Development (UIED) as the response to the current situation, caused by the fighting in Ukraine initiated by Russia. Due to that thousands of families with children had to stay in shelters for a long time or move to neighboring countries.

    Because of that, the main goals of the project are: to provide psychological support to children and their families with the support of different activities and to provide accessibility to the educational process. 

     Let’s remember this resource is, first of all, about psychological support to children and their families, and also about the possibility to come back to usual routine life, where learning is one of the important parts of it life-long learning, learning in every part of this world.

    This resource provides students, teachers and parents free access to learning resources and resources aimed at psychological support.

    Will be thankful to all our partners for dissemination of this information!

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