

    The World Community Supports Ukraine


    On behalf of ECDtf, we stand in strong support of our dear friends and colleagues in the Ukraine who are bravely facing, once again, an unprovoked and horrendous Russian incursion on their sovereign lands. May you all be safe! When possible, please keep us informed of your
    wellbeing. Tell us if we may be of help in any way during the coming days.
    We are also very concerned about our dear friends and colleagues in nearby countries who may be affected by this attack on the part of Russian forces, including especially Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, and Georgia.
    Our hope is for a peaceful and rapid resolution of this appalling incursion on Ukrainian land.
    In solidarity, and with tears in my heart,
    Emily Vargas-Barón
    Director, RISE Institute

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